Administration & Coordination
How the hospital coordinates and integrates pediatric care across all relevant departments, implementing a Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator
Resources: Administration & Coordination
View the questions on the National Pediatric Readiness Project (NPRP) - Pediatric Readiness Assessment (PRA) that directly relate to Domain #1: Administration & Coordination
Learn how what a pediatric champion in your emergency department is responsible for to further efforts of improving child care and overall mortality rates.
Present to your ED about the benefits of a PECC and work with them to designate you as a pediatric champion to continue implement best care practices.
PECC Developmental Milestones Guide
PECC Milestones Guide
Reach out and contact your ED nursing leadership (manager, educator, director) and physician partners (medical director)
Share information about Pediatric Readiness with the ED
Identify PECC or champion and sign community ED commitment letter
Review PECC Job Description
Identify EIIC website
Review EIIC modules on 7 domains of pediatric readiness
​Objective 1: H-PECC will review module 1 (Role of PECC)
Objective 2: H-PECC will review module 2
Objective 3: H-PECC will review module 3
Objective 4: H-PECC will review module 4 (currently in development)
Objective 5: H-PECC will review module 5 (currently in development)
Objective 6: H-PECC will review module 6 (currently in development)
Choose date(s) and time for first in situ simulation in ED
Minimum 1 team will run through 1 simulation
Review Simulation/Education Guide
Review sim case you will be running (if needed) and assign roles
Review technology for day of sim (internet, computer(s), speakers, external monitor, etc.)
Complete Pediatric Readiness Score (PRS) on ED site
Complete in situ SimBox in the ED staff (at least 1 team participating in 1 sim)
Complete associated Facilitator checklist with that scenario and encourage all participants to complete participant survey in order to receive simulation report out
Schedule additional in situ SimBox dates quarterly
Review PRS gaps and update your gap tracker
Choose at least 1 gap to address over the next 3 months, and locate resources on ImPACTS Website under each domain
Ongoing Monthly Activities:
Review Activity log
Engage with all PECCs in the community of practice
Share existing resources and request need for resources through ImPACTS and PECC cohort via Zulip